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Voorhees Divorce Lawyers

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Voorhees Divorce Lawyers

South Jersey Family Law Attorneys Provide Personalized Advice to Clients in Voorhees, NJ

When you decide to divorce or separate from your spouse, it may initially be difficult to anticipate how that decision can impact every aspect of your life. The effects of divorce will begin to be felt well before the divorce is actually finalized, as most couples choose to separate in the period preceding the date when the divorce is finalized. In some cases, a protracted negotiation period will make it necessary to reach a temporary agreement on practical issues such as spousal support and child support, as well as child visitation and parenting time matters.

At Cordry Hartman, LLC, our Voorhees, New Jersey divorce lawyers are ready to advocate on your behalf even before the divorce papers have been filed. We understand how critical it is to reach a beneficial resolution of even temporary measures pertaining to financial support and child custody matters, and put the full weight and resources of our skilled team behind advocating to protect your rights during all phases of the divorce process.

Divorce in Voorhees, New Jersey is a Multifaceted Process

The impact of a divorce can be felt even before the divorce settlement agreement is finalized, and a seasoned divorce lawyer can help you through the entire process. At Cordry Hartman, LLC, our dedicated team of divorce lawyers can help you with all aspects of the divorce or separation, including:

  • Financial wellness: After a divorce is finalized, the economic and financial connection between the two parties is not always neatly severed. One spouse will often be required to pay alimony or child support for years into the future, and can even be required to make payments before the divorce is finalized.
  • Property and assets: During the separation period, both spouses will be required to take a detailed inventory of all assets, and evaluate whether each asset is properly categorized as marital property, which must be included in the divorce settlement agreement.
  • Children and parenting time: Parenting time must also be divided between the spouses, both on a temporary basis while the parties are separated, and on a more permanent basis once the divorce is finalized.
  • Children and third parties: In many modern families, a grandparent or step-parent may also seek the right to share in parenting time with the child’s biological parents, and this factor must be accounted for if spending time with that third party is in the child’s best interests.
  • Safety: If domestic violence has been an issue throughout the marriage, or becomes an issue during the separation and divorce process, a temporary or final restraining order may be necessary to protect one party’s safety.

Contact Our Offices to Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Your Voorhees Divorce Today

A period of separation is almost always an emotional time for two spouses who are considering divorce, and practical issues that can arise during the separation and divorce are easily overlooked when the parties are focused on emotional considerations. An experienced divorce lawyer can advocate on your behalf to protect your rights during this difficult time so that you can focus on the emotional well-being of your family.

The impact of a divorce will likely begin to be felt even during the separation period that occurs before filing the divorce complaint. Before you file for divorce, contact a seasoned divorce lawyer for guidance so that you can understand these issues, and the importance of retaining a skilled lawyer to advocate on your behalf. Our dedicated team of divorce lawyers serve clients throughout Voorhees and New Jersey. Contact our offices today to meet with experienced Voorhees divorce attorneys. Our office is conveniently located at 505 S Lenola Rd Suite 224, Moorestown, NJ 08057 and we serve clients throughout New Jersey, including in Moorestown, Cherry Hill, Mt Laurel, Haddonfield, MarltonEvesham, CinnaminsonVoorhees, MedfordBurlington County, Camden County, Gloucester County, Cumberland County, Salem County, Cape May County, and Atlantic County.

About Voorhees, NJ

Voorhees Township is located in Camden County, New Jersey, and is considered to be a part of the Philadelphia metropolitan area. The population of Voorhees has been slowly increasing over the past decade, and at the 2010 census had reached 29,131 (up from 28,126 in the 2000 census). Many residents are attracted to the area because of Voorhees’ close proximity to Philadelphia, which offers urban amenities that contrast with the small town lifestyle enjoyed by Voorhees’ residents. Voorhees is also home to a training facility for the Philadelphia Flyers professional hockey team, which has motivated many former Flyers players to become residents of Voorhees.

Frequently Asked Questions About Voorhees Divorce

FAQ: When might a third party, such as my spouse’s parent, have the legal right to visitation with my child?

Grandparents are entitled to petition the Superior Court of New Jersey to obtain visitation rights with your child if you or your spouse have denied them the right to spend time with their grandchildren. Your spouse’s parent would have the burden of proving that court-ordered visitation is in your child’s best interests. The court automatically considers grandparent visitation to be in the child’s best interest if the grandparent was the child’s full-time caretaker at any time during the child’s life. In other cases, the court will consider the relationship between the grandparent and child, the relationship between the child’s parents and the time that has elapsed since the child has spent time with the grandparent. The court will also consider the impact of granting visitation, the child custody or parenting time arrangement between the child’s parents, any history of neglect and abuse and whether the grandparent petitioned for visitation in good faith.

FAQ: How can I protect my safety if there is a history of domestic violence in my marriage?

If there is a history of domestic violence in your marriage, and you fear for your safety, a lawyer can petition the court to grant a temporary restraining order prohibiting your spouse from contacting you. The initial temporary restraining order will contain specific prohibitions. After ten days, the court will schedule a hearing to determine whether to grant a final, permanent restraining order and will consider all relevant factors—including a history of violence and whether a current threat exists.

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