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Post-Divorce Modification & Enforcement

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Divorce Agreement Modification Attorney South Jersey

New Jersey Lawyers Help Clients Obtain Post-Divorce Modification and Enforcement of Final Divorce Settlements in the South Jersey area including Moorestown, Cherry Hill, and Medford, NJ

After your divorce has been finalized, you may understandably feel like you never want to see the inside of a courtroom or lawyer’s office again. Despite this, many issues can arise following a divorce that can make post-divorce modification and enforcement of the divorce agreement necessary. A post-divorce modification in New Jersey may become necessary for any number of reasons, including changing life circumstances in the years following the finalization of your divorce. It is also unfortunately true that many individuals simply fail to comply with the terms of the final divorce settlement.

Regardless of your circumstances, it is important to have an experienced family law attorney in your corner when you are attempting to have a divorce settlement modified or enforced. Your financial future and children are simply too important to leave final resolution of your matter up to chance. If you find that your financial or family circumstances have changed since the finalization of your divorce, contact the attorneys at Cordry Hartman, LLC for a confidential consultation today. Our attorneys can evaluate your case to determine whether you have a strong case for modifying an existing divorce settlement and can also take action to enforce that agreement. Contact our Moorestown office today for a free consultation into your post-divorce modification claim.

Common Reasons for Post-Divorce Modification of a Final Divorce Settlement in New Jersey

A final divorce settlement agreement will usually cover a wide range of issues, from alimony, child support and property division to child custody and visitation. While a divorce is commonly referred to as “final”, the terms of a divorce settlement agreement can be modified for a variety of reasons. The attorneys at Cordry Hartman, LLC have a proven track record of successfully obtaining post-divorce modification of final divorce settlements. Our experienced family law attorneys can work to modify the terms of a marital settlement agreement to change:

  • A child custody arrangement,
  • The amount of required alimony payments,
  • The terms of an alimony arrangement,
  • The terms of a child support agreement,
  • Required payments toward a child’s education,
  • Child emancipation.

The need to modify alimony arrangements is one that arises very commonly post-divorce. The party who is required to pay alimony may wish to have the payment amount modified, or the requirement to pay alimony terminated entirely, because of changing life circumstances. Some of the more common reasons for modifying an alimony arrangement include:

  • Retirement: If the spouse who was originally required to pay alimony has retired in good faith, and thus no longer has the same income level, that spouse may petition for modification of the alimony agreement.
  • Cohabitation: In many cases, an alimony agreement will terminate upon the remarriage of the recipient spouse. However, a paying spouse may request modification or termination if it can be shown that the recipient spouse is cohabitating with another person who provides significant support.
  • Unemployment: In some cases, the paying spouse will lose his or her job, or end up in a situation where he or she is earning less income than when the divorce was finalized. Modification of an alimony agreement may be justifiable under these circumstances.

The Lawyers at Cordry Hartman, LLC Provide Effective Legal Representation to Assist Clients With Post-Divorce Issues in Moorestown, NJ

At Cordry Hartman, LLC, we understand that your life continues to change even after your marital settlement agreement has been finalized. In order to obtain a post-divorce modification, our attorneys will work to clearly lay out the circumstances that have changed in your life in order to convince a judge that a modification is warranted. If your former spouse has failed to comply with the terms of your divorce settlement, we will fight to establish that you have notified your former spouse of his or her default and obtain a judgment from the court to enforce your former spouse’s obligations. An enforcement order may be required to ensure that one spouse complies with the terms of the settlement agreement by:

  • Requiring transfer of assets to his or her former spouse, as specified by the terms of the settlement agreement,
  • Paying for a child’s college education, because a parent can be held financially responsible for a child’s college costs in New Jersey based on the parent’s income and assets,
  • Paying required alimony or child support payments.

In some cases, post-divorce issues can be resolved through mediation, while other issues will require formal court intervention. In either case, our attorneys are skilled at successfully negotiating to obtain the best possible result in post-divorce modification and enforcement cases.

Contact the Family Law Attorneys in New Jersey for Your Post-Divorce Modification or Enforcement Claim Today

If your life circumstances have changed so that you wish to have a court reevaluate the alimony, child support, or child custody terms of your final divorce settlement, contact a skilled family law attorney to advocate on your behalf today. If you need a post-divorce modification or enforce a part of the divorce agreement, you need family law lawyers who will help you through your case. Contact our offices today to schedule a free consultation. Our office is conveniently located at 505 S Lenola Rd Suite 224, Moorestown, NJ 08057. We serve clients throughout New Jersey, including in Moorestown, Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, Marlton, Voorhees, Burlington County, Camden County, Gloucester County, Cumberland County, Cape May County, Salem County, and Atlantic County.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce Agreement Modification

FAQ: My former spouse has retired and is petitioning to have his alimony payment requirements terminated, but I don’t believe he retired in good faith. Is there anything I can do?

Yes. The court will evaluate whether a former spouse’s retirement was in good faith when determining whether to reduce or terminate future alimony payment requirements. Factors that the court will consider include the age and health of your former spouse, his or her motive for retirement, the ability to pay alimony post-retirement and the ability of the recipient spouse to support himself or herself.

FAQ: My former spouse refuses to contribute to the college costs of our child, and this issue was not addressed in our divorce settlement agreement. Can I petition the court for payment assistance?

Yes. The court will evaluate all the facts and circumstances of your case to determine whether your former spouse will be legally required to contribute to your child’s college education costs. Some of the factors the court considers are whether the former spouse would have contributed absent the divorce, both parties’ ability to contribute financially, the reasonableness of the college costs, the child’s relationship to the paying parent and the relationship of the education to the child’s long-term goals.

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