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Civil Rights Lawyers in South Jersey

Moorestown, NJ Lawyers Protect Clients Against Civil Rights Violations Throughout New Jersey

Unfortunately, civil rights violations occur in New Jersey every day. The United States Constitution, Bill of Rights and a myriad of federal and state laws exist to protect the civil rights of American people. Race, gender and age discrimination are some of the major categories of civil rights violations that most people understand, but your civil rights are protected in so many ways that may not be initially apparent. Civil rights laws protect you from discrimination at the government level, but they also provide protections in the private sphere more often than many might initially think. Although it may sometimes feel that there is nothing you can do to prevent discriminatory actions by those in power positions, the advice of a knowledgeable civil rights attorney can help you enforce the protections to which you are legally entitled. At Cordry Hartman, LLC, we know that civil rights violations come in all shapes and sizes, and our dedicated team of civil rights lawyers is here to help you fully protect your rights. Contact the New Jersey civil rights violation attorneys at Cordry Hartman, LLC today for a free consultation into your discrimination claim.

Civil Rights Violations Come in All Shapes and Sizes in New Jersey

Federal laws prohibit discrimination against an individual based upon his or her membership in a protected class. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on certain protected classes in public places, such as restaurants, stores, hotels, and other entertainment facilities.

This group of rules serves to prevent discrimination based on:

  • Race,
  • Religion,
  • National origin,
  • Gender.

While civil rights laws were originally designed to prevent discrimination at the government level, these claims can now arise in a variety of private situations, usually where one person or group is in a position of power over another group. Our firm is skilled in handling all types of civil rights violations, whether they occurred privately or at the government level, including those involving:

  • Employment discrimination and other forms of discrimination in the business context,
  • Police brutality or misconduct,
  • Wrongful taking of property,
  • Prisoner’s rights,
  • False arrest,
  • Pregnancy discrimination, including a mother’s right to breastfeed in public and in the workplace,
  • Discrimination based on immigration status,
  • Disability discrimination, including the right to a service animal,
  • Discriminatory denial of housing or higher education,
  • Human trafficking,
  • Hate crimes, and
  • Voter suppression.

Dedicated Civil Rights Lawyers at Cordry Hartman, LLC Fight to Protect Clients From Unjust and Illegal Discrimination in New Jersey

At Cordry Hartman, LLC, we believe that civil rights violations are never justified. Our lawyers stand ready to go to work to obtain compensation for your civil rights violation, which can include compensation for:

  • Any medical bills, if you have been assaulted because of your membership in a protected class,
  • Pain and suffering,
  • Emotional distress and the costs of mental health treatment,
  • In an employment-related civil rights lawsuit, salary, compensation for denied employment benefits and bonuses.

However, it is important that you retain experienced counsel as soon as possible after you experience a civil rights violations in order to provide the lawyer with sufficient time to file your claim. The timeline for filing a civil rights lawsuit in New Jersey is extremely limited because the complaint must be filed within 180 days of the alleged violation. Our attorneys can help you gather the documentation that will be required to build a strong case and proceed with a civil rights complaint, including:

  • The contact information of the people who discriminated against you,
  • Any eyewitness testimony,
  • Information that supports your right to compensation, such as pay stubs and medical bills, and
  • Specific documentation that is required in employment-related discrimination cases, which may first need to be presented to the EEOC.

Schedule a Consultation With a Cherry Hill, NJ Civil Rights Lawyer With a Proven Track Record in Civil Rights Cases

After your civil rights have been violated, you may feel uncertain as to how to proceed to protect those rights. We take civil rights violations seriously and work to hold those who illegally discriminate against others financially responsible for their actions. If you have a question regarding a possible civil rights violations, contact our New Jersey civil rights lawyers today. We can help you evaluate whether your case has merit, and explain the process of enforcing your rights. Our attorneys are here to provide a confidential consultation in our office, which is conveniently located at 505 S Lenola Rd Suite 224, Moorestown, NJ 08057. We serve clients throughout New Jersey, including in Moorestown, Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, Marlton, Voorhees, Burlington County, Camden County, Gloucester County, Cumberland County, Cape May County, Salem County, and Atlantic County.

Frequently Asked Questions About Civil Rights

FAQ: Can discrimination or harassment based on breastfeeding in public or the workplace really give rise to a lawsuit?

Yes. As of January 2018, breastfeeding mothers are treated as a protected class under New Jersey law. Employers would be violating your civil rights if they discriminate against you for breastfeeding in the workplace. Employers also must provide reasonable accommodations, including reasonable break time and a private location, for breastfeeding mothers. A mother’s right to breastfeed in public is protected under the laws of every single state. Under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, enacted in 2018, a breastfeeding mother has a private right of action to sue for damages in these cases (and damages even include attorney’s fees).

FAQ: I am white and my spouse is black. I believe my employer is discriminating against me because of this. Do I have a civil rights claim?

You may. It is also illegal to discriminate against someone “closely associated with” a member of a protected class. These cases can be very fact-sensitive and will require careful documentation of the alleged discrimination. If you believe this type of discrimination is occurring, consult with an experienced civil rights attorney to explore your options today.

FAQ: My application for an apartment was denied because I have a service animal, and the building does not allow any pets. What are my rights?

You have the right to a legitimate service animal even in a building that does not otherwise permit pets. The landlord cannot charge you additional rent, but you will remain liable if the animal causes any damage to the property. These cases can also be fact sensitive, so contact an experienced attorney for help pursuing a service animal related claim today.

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