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PPR in Child Custody Determinations

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Parent of Primary Residence Custody Lawyer South Jersey

New Jersey Family Law Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting Parents’ Rights in Child Custody and Support Determinations in Moorestown NJ

Public Policy in New Jersey dictates that both parents should presumably continue to have the right to spend time with their children after a divorce, absent extenuating circumstances that would make such contact detrimental to the child. Despite this, a formal child custody determination that specifically details how the parents will share parenting responsibilities must be made in every case. These responsibilities will include legal decision-making authority, physical living arrangements, and monetary child support obligations.

In almost every child custody case, one parent will be obligated to pay child support, and the other parent will be entitled to receive child support payments. The family law system has evolved to create a fairly standard system for determining the respective financial obligations of each parent in a child custody case so that the parent of primary residence (known as the “PPR”) is almost always the parent who is entitled to receive child support.

A local divorce lawyer in who understands the importance of PPR in child custody determinations can help guide you through the process so that you can understand what to expect, and formulate arguments for modification if a standard arrangement does not meet your needs. At Cordry Hartman, LLC, our New Jersey child support lawyers have the experience necessary to handle the complications that can arise in these cases, so contact our offices for guidance today. Contact Cordry Hartman, LLC for a free consultation for your child support claim!

PPR in Determining New Jersey Child Support Obligations

In every child custody determination, the court will approve an arrangement that allocates legal custody and physical, or residential, custody between the parents. In most cases, the parents will share both legal and physical custody to some extent, but in many cases, the child will reside with one parent more often than the other parent. The parents are labeled as follows:

  • PPR: The parent of primary residence (PPR) is the parent with whom the child resides for the greater portion of his or her time. This parent is also often referred to as the custodial parent.
  • PAR: The parent of alternate residence (PAR), or non-custodial parent, has the right to parenting time or visitation with the child, but the child spends less physical time in the PAR’s residence.
  • PPR and PAR in equal physical custody arrangements. When the parents share physical custody equally, the PPR is the parent who resides in the child’s school district, or with whom the child lives while attending school.

These classifications are important because the parents’ respective child support rights and obligations are determined based upon whether the parent is the PPR or the PAR. The PAR is obligated to pay child support to the PPR. Child support payments will vary, however, based upon the level of equality in the parents’ physical custody arrangement. Generally, a more equal split in the parents’ physical time with the child results in lower child support payments.

The parents’ income levels will also be taken into account in determining whether it is equitable to assign all child support payment obligations to the PAR—if the PPR has a substantially higher income, a skilled family law lawyer can present arguments supporting a modified child support arrangement. Contact Cordry Hartman, LLC to discuss your child support rights and payments today.

Attorneys at Cordry Hartman, LLC Fight for PPR Right to Support in New Jersey

PPR designation can be extremely important for child support purposes, but it is also important in determining which parent has primary control over decisions impacting the child. The PPR will usually spend more physical time with the child, meaning that he or she will have the ability to make day-to-day decisions regarding the child. Unless the parents agree otherwise, the child will also attend school in the district where the PPR resides. The PPR also has the sole obligation to pay for the child’s unreimbursed medical expenses, up to a set limit, unless the parents agree to a different arrangement.

Schedule a Confidential Consultation to Discuss the Importance of PPR Status in Your Cherry Hill Child Custody Case Today

Child custody determinations in New Jersey are complicated, and the decisions reached through the determination process can have far-reaching future consequences for both parents. The experienced divorce and family lawyers at Cordry Hartman, LLC can explain the potential ramifications of PPR in child custody determinations in New Jersey and will fight tirelessly to ensure your parental rights are protected. Contact our offices to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our attorneys to discuss your child custody matter. Our office is conveniently located at 505 S Lenola Rd Suite 224, Moorestown, NJ 08057. We serve clients throughout New Jersey, including in Moorestown, Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, Marlton, Voorhees, Burlington County, Camden County, Gloucester County, Cumberland County, Cape May County, Salem County, and Atlantic County.

Frequently Asked Questions About Parent of Primary Residence Custody

FAQ: How does the court determine which parent will be granted PPR status?

New Jersey law (N.J.S.A. 9:2-4) provides a list of factors that the court will consider to determine which parent has primary physical custody over the child. These factors include (1) the parents’ ability to agree and cooperate in matters relating to the child, (2) the parents’ willingness to be custodial parents, and any history of one parent denying visitation rights to the other for reasons not related to abuse, (3) the relationship between the child and the parents and siblings, (4) any history of domestic violence, (5) the safety of the child, and safety of the parents with respect to physical abuse from the other parent, (6) the child’s preferences if he or she is old enough to decide, (7) the child’s needs, (8) the stability of the home environments, (9) the continuity and quality of the child’s education, (10) the fitness of the parents, (11) distance between the parents’ homes, (12) extent and quality of time the child spent with each parent, (13) each parent’s employment obligations and (14) the age and number of children involved.

FAQ: Will I have to pay child support if my former spouse and I share our parenting responsibilities equally?

It depends on the situation surrounding your child custody agreement. The courts will consider the income levels of both you and your former spouse to determine whether child support is warranted when parents share parenting responsibilities equally. The courts may also look to the earning potential of each parent in making this determination.

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